Some snippets from a carol concert
Was trying to capture the celebratory spirit inside and the outside greyness.
Many trees on the campus have let go off their leaves.
In the evening there was a Moon event, attended by lots of school children and their parents. Some of them designed their own projects using legos. We got to see some lunar and martian rocks. We also got to hear some talks and visit some labs where student and researchers work on space projects.
A scientist played some beautiful music while sharing how she named some of the craters on moon. One of the crater (towards the right) is named after the poet Robert Burns
While returning from the event, I took a moment to pause how many of the houses had put the lights on. Interestingly, as compared to India, where I have seen pulling lights themselves, I still have not seen anyone putting lights. I am sure they do. But just the invisibility around it, gives the lights some kind of magical tone. This complemented with the darkening skies and bare trees makes it all the more sombre experience where all you are looking for is hope. The coming up of lights offer that hope I guess.