Plastic continues to be recycled Behind houses that are homes Amidst children living in these homes Under dangerous stairs with a small room tremendous heat & no fans As bundles of plastic keep arriving. Either to get threshed from the wire or made into granules or put into machines or melted at more than summer heat temperature or poured into khanchas or all of the above By workers having 12-hour shift as we debate electric vehicle and solar energy and make cool art in art fairs. Workers complete their sleep under the machine that is spewing out chashme 🥽 Rangolis are made: Small granules of plastic is generated Reheated and poured over in shapes of toys, glasses and waterguns Watched over by lone lanes in 45 degree celsius Watched over by coolers made by the same plastic to keep the machine running Watched over by goats Watched over by capitalism As guns are spewed out by old plastic R...