To: earth@bluedot.thisuniverse
Subject: Transpiration is a joke
Dear Earth near Mother Dairy,
Been the one to sprout from a crack,
I will start without a Hope you are doing well.
(Also, I am the HOPE here so ….… -_-)
Even though my subject has the word joke
Don’t expect a chuckle in this mail
There is no punchline in my veins.
Instead, I am writing this to elaborate
on my plans to take over the park near Mother Dairy.
Yeah, Transpiration sucks and so does gravity.
I don’t have even a stomata of summer
left to become seed again.
Next Autumn, I will be a proton!!!
in grass near that park bench.
Kindly water this mail so that it grows to reach priority.
One caveat: Just take care of the Squirrels
who have yet to clear balances of mangoes
and money plant, that just wouldn’t take a leap of faith.
With haha you can laugh at some parts