Chapter one of Cakes in Space, published by OUP once upon a time there was a once that did not know time so it took a chance and tried to plan a lesson for itself. once went to the school You can say once was a determined fool but knew not how to count. When his fingers gave up he only had 10. So once shared the problem with the principal The principal stared at the time table Spilled some water And said “I will be back gentlemen”. She took out a paper and a pen, aka quill and Asked once to dip hand in arctic blue bottle . . . once still could not tell one from eleven Or two from a cute smile lying later flat Or flat from home Or later from time Or time from getting stuck Or stuck from struck Or struck from lightning Or lightning from sunshine Or sunshine from winter Principal smiled her blanket smile She then understood the trouble was actually in paradise & said once you ain't supposed to understand time...