Mehboob Murderer by Nupur Anand is a fast-paced thriller, set in Mumbai. The story revolves around a shootout, when the 80-year-old Café Mehboob is targeted by a murderer. Six people are gunned down mercilessly. The narrator makes us take particular interest in their lives, while making a point about how victims are people, who matter more than catchy news headlines. This book is also an encounter with a city in all its loneliness. Mehboob Murderer will be able to interest mystery lovers and if you are living in the city of Mumbai, you will be able to relate to the narratives in the book! Mehboob Murderer (2019) Author: Nupur Anand Publisher: Om Books International Genre: Fiction, Mystery With the third person point of view, the narrator watches Inspector Intekhaab Abbas, a celebrated police officer, and his team, crack the murder case. They are given 14 days to catch the murderer, and shift the attention of news channels from the incident. What follows is a fast-p...